End Distracted Driving!

December 13, 2015

Distracted driving—the process of driving a motor vehicle while engaged in another activity, such as using a cell phone or other electronic device—is a dangerous and growing problem. Attorney Joel Feldman, whose daughter Casey was killed in a distracted driving incident, has established the excellent website EndDD—End Distracted Driving to raise awareness about this issue.

“Just a Few Seconds,” a public service announcement prepared by Feldman, recounts the story of 17 year-old Kate McGuire, whose distracted driving killed 61 year-old grandfather Howard Stein. It is one of the first distracted driving videos to feature both the driver in question and the family of the victim.

See below for a link to EndDD’s press release.

EndDD press release: http://www.enddd.org/enddd-in-the-news/justafewseconds/



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