Illinois Governor Signs Speed Camera Law

February 24, 2012

On Monday, February 6th, 2012, Illinois governor Pat Quinn signed a bill into law that permits the city of Chicago to place speed cameras within one-eighth of a mile of city schools and parks. The speed-detection equipment will capture footage of motorists exceeding the speed limit, who will be mailed a computer-generated fine of $50 for six miles over the legal limit, and $100 for eleven miles over the limit.

The new law was approved and signed despite overwhelming opposition in public correspondence on the issue. Critics claim the new cameras are simply a device for raising revenue, while supporters—including some personal injury attorneys—maintain that the new equipment will reduce accidents involving pedestrians.

The Chicago Tribune has calculated that cameras placed near schools and parks would be able to cover more than one half of the city of Chicago.

The city will be able to install the new equipment beginning July 1st, but the Chicago City Council must still vote to implement the program.




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