New Study Finds that Curbside Buses Have a Higher Accident Rate

November 9, 2011

A report released on Monday, October 31st 2011 by the National Transportation Safety Board finds that curbside buses have an accident rate markedly higher than that of other types of interstate bus operators.

These curbside services pick up passengers from retail stores, parking lots and street corners rather than typical bus terminals. The industry is now thriving, based on its inexpensive fares. According to the Transportation Safety Board, half of curbside operators have been in business for 10 years or less, and 44 percent have 10 or fewer buses.

The Transportation Safety Board study found that curbside services have an accident rate of 1.4 per 100 vehicles. Traditional bus operators have an accident rate of just 0.2 per 100 vehicles. This makes the accident rate for curbside operators seven times higher than that for other bus services. One should exercise caution when making use of a curbside bus service, as the level of professionalism exercised by their drivers and business may not be as high.



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