Your Illinois Law Firm:
Our Practice Areas
We cover cases in Illinois, including premises liabilities, job discrimination, and more. See below to learn more about our practice areas.
We Assist Clients Regarding:
Car Accidents
Auto accidents and all types of traffic collisions are among the leading causes of personal injury and wrongful death throughout Chicago and the rest of the country. When a person is involved in a car accident caused due to no fault of their own, they need an attorney to help them understand more about the unique situation.
Catastrophic Injuries
An injury that is considered catastrophic may be any type of physical injury that is life-threatening. These types of injuries include burn injuries, head and back injuries, neck injuries, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, amputation, and more.
Child Injuries
When a child becomes injured due to a defective or dangerous product or due to the negligent actions of another person, it is very important to get this child the medical attention and help they deserve. Without top-of-the-line medical treatment, it is likely that this person could suffer lifelong damages from the accident.
Dog Bites
Dog bites and other animal attacks can have a long term effect on an entire family. In addition to causing physical harm to one person, a witness or bystander may experience mental or emotional anguish due to witnessing the traumatic event. Our law firm can help you file a claim and hold the dog’s owner responsible for the damages.
Drunk Driver Accidents
Auto accidents caused by drunk drivers or drugged drivers sometimes have the most catastrophic outcomes. With extensive property damage and injuries ranging from broken bones to traumatic brain injury to wrongful death, these accidents are not to be taken lightly.
Emotional Distress
When a person is injured in an accident, they often suffer more than just physical injuries; this person can suffer emotional distress due to the trauma involved in the accident. If you have suffered from an injury and continue to have flashbacks or suffer from emotional distress and unrest, you need our firm.
Job Discrimination & Harassment
Have you been discriminated against in your job due to your race, age, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation? Were you harassed by another employee or an employer at your occupation? There is legal action you can take to stop this and make up for the damages that were caused!
Machinery Accidents
With many construction sites and work sites throughout Chicago and the nearby neighborhoods, the chance of being involved in a machinery accident may increase. If you were injured at your place of work in a machinery accident, don’t hesitate to call our law firm right away.
Medical Malpractice
Wrongful actions by a medical professional are not only unacceptable, they have the potential to cause lifelong effects on a person and an entire family. Medical malpractice is often to blame for injuries, illness and wrongful death acquired at a hospital, in an emergency room, or in a delivery room.
Motorcycle Accidents
An accident involving a motorcycle and a larger passenger or commercial vehicle is one that will most likely result in serious or catastrophic injuries. Each year, many people are seriously and fatally injured in motorcycle accidents due to recklessness out on the road on behalf of another driver. Don’t become another statistic!
Nursing Home Abuse / Neglect
Knowing that your beloved family member has suffered injuries, illness, or wrongful death due to the actions of another person, such as their caretaker, is often too much to bear. If you have a family member in a nursing home facility and you worry that they are suffering from abuse or neglect, involve an attorney right away.
Premises Liability
Accidents that take place on another person’s property, such as public property, private property, or governmental property, are all considered to be accidents of premises liability. Being involved in these types of accidents can be difficult, especially if you are unsure of who is to blame.
Product Liability
What is product liability? When a person is injured due to a defective or dangerous product, such as a poorly designed tire on a truck or a defective medical device, they may be able to hold the manufacturing company accountable for any damages or injuries that have been acquired; this is known as product liability.
Truck Accidents
Truck accidents involving 18 wheelers and passenger vehicles result in some of the deadliest and most catastrophic injuries and the greatest property damage. There are many different types of truck accidents, including jackknife accidents, truck rollovers, and underride accidents.
Work Injuries & Compensation
Have you sustained an injury at your place of employment? You may be able to file one of two claims to seek the compensation you need. First, a product liability claim may be pursued if you believe a defective product caused your injuries. If not, you may be able to pursue a claim for workers’ compensation benefits, no matter who was at fault for the accident.
Wrongful Death
Losing a loved one due to the actions of another person is one of the most devastating experiences that a person could ever endure. Knowing that the accident was preventable and that a person or entity’s wrongful or negligent actions led to this outcome is quite often too much to bear.
Personal Injury Lawyer in Chicago

Car Accidents
Car Accident Claims
There are millions of accidents each year which result in permanent disability. The car accident, which includes truck accidents, motorcycle accidents and other motor vehicle mishaps, is the foremost cause of serious and fatal injuries throughout the country. If you have been injured in a car accident it is vital that you consult a Chicago personal injury attorney who is committed to assisting those injured through negligence.Car Accident Lawyer in Chicago
Almost all accidents are the result of negligence. Not being fully focused on one’s driving is the foremost cause of traffic accidents. Additional causes or factors include ignoring traffic lights and signs, speeding, aggressive driving, ignoring the rules of the road, DUI (impaired by drugs or alcohol), mechanical failure, defective and dangerous car products and defective car components and bad road conditions. The resulting property damage and personal injury country wide is staggering. On a personal level the injuries are traumatic.Chronic pain, the loss of a limb or the loss of mobility through paralysis has lifelong effects on an individual and his or her family. The cost of medical care alone is a burden, but the loss of the ability to return to work for an extended period of time can be devastating to a family’s financial situation. An experienced car accident lawyer with our firm can look into your accident thoroughly to identify any negligent parties who are liable for the damages you have suffered.Our legal team understands the difficulties facing an injured client and takes steps to ease the situation. We review your circumstances, answer your questions fully and explain your options. Our team strives to be responsive to a client’s needs. We work with insurance companies and other parties connected with your case while keeping you informed of the progress. Call Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd. for a consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer who is prepared to fight on behalf of an injured client.Contact a Chicago Car Accident Attorney at our firm who will demand full compensation for an injured client.
Catastrophic Injuries
Regarding Catastrophic Injuries
Serious injuries which involve permanent disability or long term consequences are generally grouped as catastrophic injury. These are truly life-changing injuries which come from a wide variety of accidents. Most accidents occur because someone was guilty of negligence. Usually the guilty party was not the victim. How unfair for the injured person to be left with the financial burdens as well as the physical trauma and impairment. The role of the Chicago personal injury attorney is to ensure that the victim of someone’s careless or reckless behavior is not also financially victimized, but is awarded a measure of justice under the law.Catastrophic Injury Lawyer in Chicago
Catastrophic injuries includes amputations, blindness, paralysis, spinal cord injuries, serious neck and back injuries, traumatic brain injuries, multiple broken bones and fractures, severe burns, and internal organ injuries. Any of these injuries requires extensive skilled medical treatment, in some cases lifelong care. Each one will necessitate extensive physical therapy or retraining. Where the victim is capable of carrying on he or she will typically need vocational training as well. Some of these injuries include chronic pain, deterioration of organic function and shortened life span. An experienced catastrophic injury lawyer at our firm addresses this type of injury case aggressively and files the claim for compensation with the full intention of taking the matter to trial if a fair settlement cannot be reached.We are fully aware of the challenges facing a victim of catastrophic injury and take steps to be supportive. In preparing the claim for damages, we ensure that the expense of future or subsequent surgical procedures or medical treatment is included along with other specialized or assisted living needs in addition to all other damages. If you or a loved one has suffered a catastrophic injury, call Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd. to speak with a proven and aggressive personal injury lawyer.
Contact a Chicago Catastrophic Injury Attorney at our firm who insists full compensation is paid to an injured client.
Back and Neck Injuries
Chicago Personal Injury Attorney
Most of the population has at one time or another gone through a painful episode with a neck or back injury. Since every movement a person makes involves the neck or the back to some extent, either of these areas of the body when injured can bring your routine to a halt. The pain can be excruciating whether you stand, sit or lie down. Going to work may be impossible, and enjoying life can be out of the question. Under these circumstances, if you have been injured due to the carelessness or reckless behavior of another you need to consult a Chicago personal injury attorney who is ready to take action on your behalf.Personal Injury Lawyer in Chicago
Neck and back injuries are common work injuries, but many people suffer these injuries outside of the workplace. Because these debilitating injuries may not show up on an X-ray or other imaging tests insurance company attorneys work hard to persuade juries that this kind of soft tissue injury is a fabrication. It takes a skilled and experienced personal injury lawyer to help a jury to understand this complex type of injury case. Neck and back injuries can result from a multitude of causes such as:- Auto accidents (car, motorcycle, truck, bus, and drunk driver accidents)
- Slip and falls
- Falls
- Defective product leading to injury, illness or death
- Medical errors
- Explosions
The expense of medical care for neck and back injuries can be very high. Add to this the lost income and future lost income and the losses an individual or a family may suffer can quickly become huge. If you have questions, need advice or help with a claim for compensation call and speak with a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer.Contact a Chicago Personal Injury Attorney from Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd. who is dedicated to protecting clients from injury by negligent persons.Burn Injuries
Is there a Burn Injury in Your Family?
Burn injuries are the third highest cause of death in the United States. Worldwide burn injuries cause 300,000 deaths annually. For those who survive, they are debilitating emotionally and physically and are among the most expensive to treat. Nearly half of burn injuries are suffered in child injury cases to innocent victims under age 18. The second largest affected group is the elderly. Where you or a family member has been burned due to the negligence of another, you are urged to seek compensation. You may contact a personal injury lawyer in Chicago.Compensation for Burn Injuries
Where a person is injured due to another’s wrongdoing, it is possible to recover the following damages:- Medical expenses
- Ambulance bills
- Hospital bills
- Rehabilitation expenses
- Retraining
- Loss of income
- Lost earning capacity
- Pain and suffering
Included in these damages are surgery for needed skin grafts and compensation for disfigurement. If death results, the family may sue for wrongful death.Chicago Burn Injury AttorneyOur purpose is to do all we can to make things better for victims of burn accidents. We are Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd., a burn injury law firm serving the Chicago, Illinois area. In the more than 30 years since we opened our doors, we have won thousands of settlements worth millions for our clients.When we take on a client, we listen to our client describe what happened and then set about creating a case for recovery. This includes interviewing witnesses and investigating the scene of the accident. We call on a network of accident reconstruction experts and medical experts as needed to build our case. We make every effort to negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance company. If the company proves unreasonable, however, we are ready to take the case to trial to achieve justice. Our goal is that our client gets all the care and compensation needed to fully recover and lead a happy, productive life.Contact a Burn Injury Lawyer in Chicago at the firm to discuss your case.Spinal Cord Injuries
About Spinal Cord Injuries
One of the most miraculous parts of the body is the spinal cord which resides inside and is protected by the spinal column. The cord itself is actually a bundle of nerves which passes communication between the brain and parts of the body. As long as the communication flows freely in both directions, a person is fully aware of physical sensations and remains in control of limbs and organ function. When normal communication cannot flow along these nerve channels, the brain’s messages and receipt of sensation is interrupted. This is known as a spinal cord injury. When this type of injury is caused by another’s negligence, whether medical malpractice or some other cause of injury, the services of a Chicago personal injury lawyer are required.Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer in Chicago
Spinal cord injuries may be temporary or permanent, but even partial and temporary paralysis can affect the health and normal function of muscles and organs over the long term. The bones in a spinal column were not designed to withstand the severe forces present in truck, auto or motorcycle accidents. Falls resulting from defective products such as defective ladders or scaffolding can result in such severe spinal injury that the victim is unable to take care of routine daily tasks or may be confined to a wheelchair. An experienced spinal cord injury lawyer at our firm will take action to document all evidence vital to your case and prepare a claim for compensation which includes future as well as past medical expenses, prosthetic aids and equipment, physical therapy, assisted living care, pain and suffering, and other damages related to your injuries.Insurance companies who defend negligent drivers, medical personnel and others work hard and become quite creative in their efforts to avoid their obligations. Our legal team has years of experience in outwitting their defense attorneys. Call Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd. to consult with a skilled and aggressive personal injury lawyer regarding your case.Contact a Chicago Spinal Cord Injury Attorney with our firm who will fight to obtain full compensation for an injured client.Traumatic Brain Injuries
Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney
Traumatic brain injuries can result from motor vehicle accidents, motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, workplace accidents, construction accidents, slip & fall, swimming or diving accidents, and other types of accidents. A victim of a traumatic brain injury may require prolonged hospitalization and long-term rehabilitation. Caring for a victim of a traumatic brain injury can be burdensome for family members financially and emotionally.A traumatic brain injury is very serious and the victim may be temporarily disabled or permanently disabled depending on the severity of the injury. Long-term care and medical treatment can be expensive. It is best to contact a Chicago personal injury lawyer for legal advice and information about eligibility for monetary compensation. Steven J. Morton & Associates, Ltd. represents many clients in the Chicago area with catastrophic injuries including traumatic brain injuries. Our attorneys are experienced in the laws concerning personal injuries and help victims receive the compensation they deserve for their injuries and suffering.Traumatic Brain Injuries and Compensation
Different factors can contribute to a traumatic brain injury and can result from a blow to the head or a piercing injury that penetrates the brain. A head injury can cause the brain to swell and thus inhibit vital oxygen to the brain. A penetration of the brain can also inhibit oxygen flow. The effects from a traumatic brain injury can last a lifetime for the victim and their family members. Many accidents are preventable and usually are the result of reckless or negligent actions of another. A responsible party may be liable to the victims for damages that can include:- Loss of wages and future earning capacity
- Medical expenses and cost of continuous care
- Pain and suffering
Before settling an insurance claim, speak with one of our attorneys from our firm. Insurance companies typically attempt to lessen injuries and settle quickly. They often offer less in settlement than the injury is worth. Our lawyers represent victims and protect their rights to receive maximum monetary compensation for their injuries. Make an appointment today for a consultation with one of our qualified traumatic brain injury lawyers.Contact a Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney regarding traumatic brain injury compensation.
Child Injuries
Has Your Child Suffered a Wrongful Injury?
We are experienced in representing clients seeking compensation for child injuries in the Chicago, Illinois area. We are Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd., an intimate law firm of seasoned attorneys with over 60 years combined legal experience. We make every effort to provide the finest in personalized service. With our zealous advocacy we have won thousands of settlements totaling millions of dollars for our clients. We urge you to contact a Chicago personal injury attorney to pursue your claim for child injuries.Child Injury Claims
Where children experience injury due to the wrongdoing of others they have a claim for injuries. These injuries can occur in a variety of ways. Like adults children can suffer injury in motor vehicle accidents. They are also vulnerable to pedestrian accidents where drivers fail to respect crosswalks or the flashing lights of a school bus. Children suffer playground injuries when schools provide inadequate supervision or fail to provide cushioned surfaces under play equipment. They also suffer from medical malpractice including prescription drug mistakes and immunization problems. Babies may suffer crippling birth injury when doctors prescribe harmful drugs to pregnant mothers or fail to anticipate difficult births with Caesarian sections.Chicago Child Injuries Lawyer
At the firm we industriously investigate child injury claims to establish liability and prove damages. We seek medical damages, pain and suffering and rehabilitation expenses. We have the resources to hire experts as needed to support our claims. Where the child has suffered permanent injury, we utilize experts to establish the permanence of the injury and extent of loss to the child in future earning capacity and quality of life.We urge you to waste no time in contacting us. In many cases the speed with which we can be on site investigating the accident is critical to recovery of damages. You pay no costs or fees until recovery is made. We are available at all times, day and night, to provide legal support to the injured and their families.Contact a Child Injuries Attorney in Chicago at the firm for energetic representation.
Dog Bites
Dog Bite Injuries Lawyer
A dog attack can be a very unexpected and frightening experience and dog bites can cause serious injuries or deaths. The majority of dog bite victims are children and it can be damaging to them physically and mentally. Dog bite injuries often require hospitalization and rabies shots. Severe dog attacks and bites can cause significant injuries that justify reconstructive surgery for the victim. An adult bitten by a dog may miss work because of injuries and suffer financial hardship due to loss of income. Medical treatment is expensive. Individuals who have injuries from dog bites should contact a Chicago personal injury attorney for legal advice and guidance as to the steps to take following a dog bite injury. Many children attacked by dogs do not survive such terrible injuries. We provide professional legal services to families and victims of dog attacks and dog bites. Steven J. Morton & Associates, Ltd. aggressively pursues monetary compensation for dog bite victims for their physical, emotional and mental suffering.Dog Bite Injury and Responsibility
If a dog is unprovoked and attacks a human, the owner of the dog is automatically liable to the victim for damages that can include:- Costs of medical treatment
- Loss of income
- Pain and suffering
Local ordinances vary from location to location but most do require that dog owners restrain their dogs while walking or on a property. Violating leash laws and allowing a dog to roam freely is against the law. Even the friendliest dog is still an animal and animals are unpredictable. The laws are in place for a reason and that is to protect humans from dog attacks and dog bites.Homeowner insurance policies often cover injuries or deaths from dog bites. An insurance company can be very intimidating to injury victims and try to settle for as little as possible and less than an injury is worth. A settlement offer may be inadequate to cover the injuries and suffering from a dog bite. It is important to speak with an attorney from our legal team before settling an insurance claim. A settlement may require forfeiture of rights to pursue further compensation. Make an appointment today for a consultation with one of our qualified dog bite lawyers.Contact a Dog Bite Lawyer for legal representation if injured by a dog bite.
Drunk Driver Accidents
Regarding Drunk Driver Accidents
Drunk driving accidents are regularly the subject of newscasts and newspaper articles. These collisions involve cases of auto accidents, truck accidents as well as bus accidents, and those injured often include other drivers, pedestrians, motorcyclists and bicyclists. The horrendous or fatal injuries that the victims and their families are left to deal with are life changing. In Illinois an individual who gets behind the wheel and drives after drinking or using drugs is guilty of DUI, a criminal offense. Conviction of the guilty driver does not help the injured person. If you or a loved one has been seriously or fatally injured by a drunk driver, you should consult a Chicago personal injury attorney who can file a civil suit to help you recover your damages.Drunk Driver Accident Lawyer in Chicago
When a driver impaired by alcohol or drugs causes an accident and injury, it is understood this is because the driver’s control, perception and reaction time were severely compromised. Most personal injury claims are settled with the drunk driver’s insurance company out of court. Even though an insurance company generally understands that juries have little sympathy with the drunk driver, sometimes it is necessary to proceed to trial in order to gain fair compensation. Under these circumstances a skilled drunk driver accident lawyer with our firm is fully prepared to take your case to the jury in order to obtain a positive result.Our talented legal team has established an impressive record of successfully representing clients injured by negligent drivers. We are pleased that many of our new clients are referred to us by satisfied clients. We offer assistance and support to injured clients and their families in order to help them through a stressful time. If you have been injured by a drunk driver you need a personal injury lawyer with knowledge of the law and the expertise to prepare and file a comprehensive claim for compensation. Call Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd.. for a consultation.Contact a Chicago Drunk Driver Accident Attorney at our firm who is dedicated to obtaining maximum compensation for an injured client.
Emotional Distress
Chicago Personal Injury Attorney: Job Related Injury
Emotional distress is a very real result of job harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination and other illegal acts. When a person is continually victimized, it can have long term effects on their self confidence and future ability to function in a work environment. It is against the law to harass an employee due to their race, religion, gender, beliefs, age, sexual orientation or other personal matter. Unfortunately, some employers or managers violate the law and inflict emotional harm on employees, resulting in severe emotional distress. A Chicago personal injury attorney from our firm can assist in filing a claim or lawsuit against the company that allowed this behavior to continue.Seeking Compensation for Emotional Distress
When you have been the victim of harassment, discrimination or another act that led to serious emotional distress, a claim can be filed on your behalf seeking compensation which will be measured against the effects on your life and future. Some are seriously damaged through ongoing and extensive discrimination or other types of personal attacks, and may have trouble working due to the damages they suffered. They may require counseling to try to recover from the personal damage that has been inflicted in the case. In order to determine if your case has merit, we offer a free case evaluation to review the situation and advise you what to expect in the form of compensation, and whether the case may need to go to trial or can be settled prior to trial.We understand the difficulties these cases bring to our clients, and will treat you with the utmost respect and dignity at all times. We are determined to seek justice for our clients who have been victimized and suffered from emotional damages, and to address the case with a full commitment to seeking the maximum possible compensation available under law.Contact a Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer from our firm for cases of emotional distress.
Job Discrimination & Harassment
Chicago Job Discrimination Lawyer
When you are employed in our country, you have the right to fair treatment and it is a violation of both state and federal law to discriminate based on race, religion, sexual orientation or gender. Even though these laws have been in effect for years, there are certain employers or other workers who think it is amusing to make comments about a person’s religion, race, appearance, sexual orientation or violate the law in another manner. Some highly skilled employees may be passed over for others that are not as qualified or do not have the long term employment history at the company that would lead to job advancement. These cases are often very stressful for the person involved, and the degree of damage can be extensive. Not only economic, but non-economic damages can occur, such as emotional distress. A Chicago personal injury lawyer from our firm can provide you with the experienced legal advocacy you will need to address these issues and seek justice in your case.Job Harassment
Harassment at work can take many forms, including sexual harassment, wrongful termination and other matters that demand the support of a skilled attorney familiar with filing lawsuits against the offending employer. Those who have been the victim of harassment know how terrible the situation can be, resulting in emotional distress, constant worry, and even fear of danger. Harassment would be most often inflicted by an authority, such as an employer or manager who uses their position to make life unpleasant, dangerous or threatening for an innocent worker.One of the most common forms of harassment is sexual in nature, when off color remarks are made about the physical appearance or other matter that violates the law. Some have suffered severe cases of sexual harassment when they are threatened with job loss if they don’t comply with certain sexual demands. The cases vary widely, but one thing is certain: you have rights and if you have been the victim of harassment, a lawsuit or claim should be filed at once to seek compensation for any act of harassment while an employee. Our legal team at Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd. has the extensive experience and proven results you need if you have been a victim of this illegal activity.Contact a Chicago Job Harassment Attorney from our firm at once if you have been the victim of harassment.
Machinery Accidents
Injured in a Machinery Accident?
When you are injured in a machinery accident, you have two routes to recovery of compensation. If the injury is work-related, you may seek compensation through the Workers’ Compensation program. This is a no fault program which provides you benefits for medical expenses and time off work. If you have suffered permanent injury, you may also receive a lump sum payoff. These benefits, though welcome, are still paltry when compared to your overall needs. To obtain full compensation including full loss of income and pain and suffering, it is necessary to pursue a personal injury claim against parties other than your employer. This could be a claim for negligence against the manufacturer of the machinery or against another subcontractor on your worksite. You are encouraged to contact a Chicago personal injury lawyer.Personal Injury Claims for Machinery Accidents
A person injury claim is based on negligence. You are limited to Workers’ Compensation when suing your employer. So this claim must be against other parties unless your employer is guilty of intentional misconduct. The manufacturer of the machinery causing the injury may be liable for a design defect, manufacturing defect or a failure to warn in connection to the machinery. You may also look to other subcontractors on your worksite. Perhaps the machinery that injured you was operated by a worker from another subcontractor. Perhaps the machinery was rented by your company from a rental agency guilty of negligent maintenance. Your attorney can work with you in identifying a suitable defendant.Machinery Accidents Lawyer in Chicago
At Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd. we serve the Chicago, Illinois area with vigorous representation of machinery accident claims. Whether you seek a Workers’ Compensation claim, a personal injury claim or both, we are ready to help you. We are a small firm of seasoned litigators with over 60 years in collective experience. We have won millions of dollars for thousands of clients.We are experienced in handling machinery accidents involving conveyor belts, cranes, forklifts, faulty shut-off switches, drill presses and lathes. We urge you to discuss your case with an attorney at the firm. We advance all costs. In most cases, our clients will pay nothing until recovery is achieved.Contact a Chicago Machinery Accidents Attorney at the firm for vigorous representation.
Medical Malpractice
Have You been Injured by Medical Malpractice?
Medical malpractice involves the negligent delivery of medical services. It comes in many forms and can have catastrophic consequences for patients. These cases require experienced and tenacious legal professionals to understand medical jargon and penetrate cover-ups to reveal the truth. You are urged to contact a Chicago personal injury attorney to help you.Medical Malpractice
Medical malpractice can involve ignoring allergic reactions to antibiotics and performing surgery anyway, circumstances that caused the death of a 12 year-old boy in Libertyville. It can be from using medical equipment contaminated by hepatitis and HIV viruses. It can be from prescribing to a pregnant mother a drug that causes birth defects. It can be from a pharmacist misreading a prescription and giving the wrong medicine. It can be from a nursing home neglecting to inspect for bedsores. It can occur from an obstetrician failing to perform an indicated Caesarean section resulting in brain damage to a baby or other birth injury.When these injuries occur, severe damages can result. The medical personnel and institutions are fast to erect walls of misdirection and untruth to defend their actions. Nevertheless an experienced medical malpractice lawyer is wise to such tactics and uses legal discovery procedures to obtain records and other evidence of wrongdoing. The attorney also contacts medical experts to examine the evidence and testify to departures from accepted medical practice. The attorney also has independent medical experts examine the client to establish the injuries sustained and testify as to damages and care required for recovery.Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer
We are militant in the defense of patients’ rights to safe and effective medical care. We are Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd., a medical malpractice firm serving the Chicago, Illinois area. A small but experienced firm, we have over 60 years of combined legal experience. We have won a reputation for relentless prosecution of suits against doctors, nursing homes, hospitals and other medical providers for abusing their patients’ trust with shoddy services. In most cases, we charge no costs or fees until recovery. We urge you to contact us now to discuss your case.Contact a Medical Malpractice Attorney in Chicago at the firm for vigorous prosecution of your medical malpractice claim.
Birth Injuries
Has Your Child Suffered Birth Injuries?
Birth injuries can be heartbreaking. You may be tempted to blame yourself and think about things you could have done differently. The truth is likely though that you did what you were told. Like anybody else, you trusted your doctor to pull you through. It is a fact though that many doctors err in prenatal care and delivery of babies. If this were true in your case, is it fair that your family bear the consequences alone? With suitable compensation you can afford to give your baby the needed medical care and therapy for a bright future. You can find out the truth and learn your options by contacting a personal injury lawyer in Chicago.Chicago Birth Injuries Attorney
At Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd. we offer aggressive advocacy to families with children suffering from birth injuries. We have served the Chicago, Illinois area for over 30 years. Our team of seasoned professionals has won thousands of settlements worth millions for our clients. We use legal discovery tools to gain access to medical records and other evidence. With the assistance of medical experts we decipher medical records and uncover medical blunders.At trial we present testimony from our medical experts of departures from standard medical practice, future care needed and presence of any permanent injury. We offer proof of any reduced earning capacity and call for appropriate damages. We summarize the evidence for the jury and press for justice to be done.
Common Birth Injuries
It is common for doctors to prescribe medication to pregnant mothers. When doing so it is vital to check whether it would be harmful to the baby. For example it known that anti-depressants can be disastrous for a baby and yet many psychiatric professionals persist in prescribing them.If a mother’s birth canal is too small or irregular, the baby’s head may get stuck with resulting brain damage. A crippled arm may follow when a baby is forced through a breach birth. An alert obstetrician spots these dangers and performs needed Caesarean sections. We urge you to contact us now. We advance all costs of suit and are dedicated to seeking justice for our clients.Contact a Birth Injuries Lawyer in Chicago at the firm for vigorous representation.
Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle Accident Damages
When a motorcycle rider is struck and injured by a car, in a truck accident, drunk driver accident or other collision, the rider is generally entitled to recovery of damages. These could include property damage, medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages and other expenses related to the accident. If you have been injured by a distracted or negligent driver, talk with a Chicago personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Do not submit to interviews or enter into any agreements with the motorist’s insurance company without the advice of legal counsel.Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Chicago
Keep in mind that the main reason cars, trucks and other vehicles drive into or turn into motorcycles is the driver’s failure to see the motorcycle. Insurance companies know this and also know that some serious and debilitating injuries do not show up right away. For this reason a rider may find himself or herself offered a quick settlement. Too often a rider regrets settling for immediate compensation which later turns out to be woefully inadequate.You are advised to do a few things immediately, report the accident to the police, get a thorough medical exam and consult an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer who understands the science of traffic accidents and can begin an independent investigation into the circumstances of your collision. It is important to take immediate steps to preserve evidence vital to your case. In some cases investigation has exposed the cause of an accident was actually an unsuspected defective product (malfunction of an automobile or a component part).Our legal team has years of expertise in police liaison, accident site investigation, accident reconstruction, identifying witnesses, gathering witness statements and expert testimony. We work closely with you during the investigation and in our preparation of your settlement, demand to keep you informed and ensure your needs are met. Our intention is to allow you the freedom to focus on healing while we ensure the liable party(ies) is identified and held accountable. Contact Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd. for an in-depth consultation concerning your accident.Contact a Chicago Motorcycle Accident Attorney with our firm who fights relentlessly to obtain justice for an injured client.
Nursing Home Abuse / Neglect
Lawyer Represents Victims of Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect
Nursing homes are places where many senior citizens enjoy their final years and they should be well cared for during that time. Some nursing home facilities have financial difficulties that affect their ability to provide proper care to their residents. The upkeep of the facility may be lacking because of poor maintenance. Some nursing homes employ caregivers who do not have proper training or do not possess the skills required to care for elderly residents in a nursing home. There are indications of nursing home abuse and neglect that families should be aware of because an elderly individual may be unable to express the abuse or neglect that they experience due to fear or an inability to communicate. Families who suspect nursing home abuse and neglect should contact a Chicago personal injury lawyer for legal advice regarding the actions to take to protect the victims. The attorneys with Steven J. Morton & Associates, Ltd. understand that a nursing home abuse or neglect situation requires taking immediate actions to protect the residents.About Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
An indication that there may be abuse or neglect in a facility would be observable because of obvious unsanitary conditions. Signs that there is a possible nursing home abuse or neglect situation can include residents suffering from the following:- Fractures, pressure sores
- Dehydration or malnutrition
- Sudden change in emotional state
- Drastic weight gain or loss
- Death
Some facilities take advantage of older individuals and engage in fraud where they take in payments and provide poor service. Some elderly may fall victim to sexual abuse, verbal abuse, or theft. Any suspicions of nursing home abuse or neglect should prompt reporting to the proper authorities. Law enforcement usually conducts investigations and takes action quickly in order to protect the victims in a nursing home. Nursing homes may be liable to the victims for damages in the form of medical costs and pain and suffering. Make an appointment today for a consultation with one of our caring and qualified nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys.Contact a Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Attorney for help with nursing home abuse and neglect.
Premises Liability
Premises Liability Attorney
Residential or commercial property owners may be liable to individuals injured on their premises. Visitors expect property owners to maintain safe conditions inside and outside of their structures so accidents do not occur. Common injuries from premises liability accidents are soft tissue damage, fractures, dislocations, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injuries, burns, internal organ damage, or coma. Some premises liability accidents are severe enough to cause fatal injuries. Individuals injured in premises liability accidents may require hospitalization and rehabilitation before returning to a prior lifestyle.Others may have significant injuries that cause temporary disability or permanent disability. Injuries may force a victim to miss work and experience financial difficulties because of an inability to earn a living. Following a premises liability accident, contact a Chicago personal injury lawyer for information regarding possible compensation for injuries and suffering from a premises liability accident. Steven J. Morton & Associates, Ltd. is experienced in representing all types of premises liability injury cases. Our lawyers pursue maximum monetary compensation for injuries and suffering from accidents involving premises liability accidents.
Injury Compensation and Premises Liability Accidents
The most common types of premises liability accidents and injury cases are the following:- Slip and fall
- Trip and fall
- Security negligence
Property owners may be liable to injured individuals if an accident is due to negligence or recklessness. The victim may receive compensation in the form of medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. A fatality resulting from a premises liability accident may require the surviving family members sue for damages due to wrongful death. The majority of property owners have homeowners insurance to cover the costs of premises liability accidents. An insurance settlement offer may be insufficient to compensate for the injuries and loss suffered. Insurance companies often attempt to settle for less than injuries are worth. Speak with one of our attorneys before settling an insurance claim. Make an appointment today for a consultation with one of our experienced premises liability lawyers.Contact a Premises Liability Attorney for legal help for an injury from a premises liability accident.
Security Negligence
Security Negligence Attorney in Chicago
Property owners who do not provide adequate security may be liable to individuals who suffer injuries because of this lack of security. Individuals injured because of security negligence may require expensive and prolonged medical treatment and rehabilitation. Common injuries that are due to security negligence can include soft tissue damage, fractures, dislocations, internal organ damage, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, and death. Injury victims often cannot work and may place financial hardship on a household.To receive information regarding compensation for injuries due to a security negligence situation, contact a Chicago personal injury attorney with experience and knowledge in all areas of personal injury and security negligence issues. Steven J. Morton & Associates, Ltd. has the resources necessary to pursue compensation for our clients for injuries suffered in security negligence accidents.Compensation and Security Negligence
Shoppers like to feel safe while shopping and the presence of guards helps give them a peace of mind. Security also helps deter criminal activities and protects innocent individuals. A parking structure inadequately lighted can attract criminal elements that assault and attack people in the structure as they go to and from their cars. A security negligence circumstance can be serious and the responsible party may be liable to the victims for damages that can include the following:- Loss of income
- Medical expenses
- Pain and suffering
Some accidents resulting from security negligence are serious and cause significant fatal injuries. The surviving family members of the deceased may take legal action against the responsible parties in the form of a wrongful death lawsuit. An additional damage for a death is loss of companionship. Our legal team represents clients with injuries due to security negligence and helps them receive maximum monetary compensation for their injuries and suffering. It is important to speak with one of our attorneys before settling an insurance claim. An insurance company may offer a settlement amount less than what an injury is worth. Make an appointment today for a consultation with one of our qualified security negligence attorneys.Contact a Security Negligence Lawyer for legal assistance with injuries due to security negligence.Slip and Fall
Injured in a Slip and Fall Accident?
A storekeeper, amusement park or other business owner has a duty of care to keep floors dry and maintain safe railings for stairs and steep inclines. A homeowner has a similar duty at their home. If you have suffered a slip and fall due to another’s negligence, you have a claim for injuries. As you may need compensation to pay for medical care and time off work to recover, you owe it to yourself and your family to discuss your options with a Chicago personal injury attorney.Damages for Slip and Fall Accidents
Upon proof of negligence you may be entitled to compensation for:- Medical expenses
- Ambulance bills
- Hospital bills
- Loss of income
- Loss of earning capacity
- Pain and suffering
If you are injured on the job, you have a claim under the Workers’ Compensation program. In such a claim, you need only prove your accident was work-connected. You are entitled to benefits for medical expenses and living expenses while you are off work.Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer in Chicago
At Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd., we provide vigorous advocacy to clients suffering from slip and fall injuries. We are a small firm with over 60 years combined legal experience. We have settled thousands of cases with millions of dollars in compensation for our clients.Our purpose is to help our clients fully recover from injuries with all compensation needed to cover medical expenses and lost income. We advance all costs of suit and our clients pay attorney’s fees only upon recovery. Our policy is to treat every client as our only client. With this approach we have built a thriving practice with referrals from pleased clients. We urge you to contact us any time, day or night, for help with your case.Contact a Chicago Slip and Fall Accident Attorney at the firm for a free consultation.Trip and Fall
Injured in a Trip and Fall Accident?
A trip and fall accident can take place when a product falls off a store shelf. It can occur when a crack of as much as 3/8th inch rises in a walkway. It can happen where stairs are uneven. The injuries can be serious as the walker moving with considerable momentum plunges suddenly to the floor. Such injuries could include sprained and broken limbs, head injuries, back injuries, traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. If you have suffered a trip and fall accident, you may be due compensation. You are urged to contact a Chicago personal injury attorney.Duty of Care to Prevent Trip and Fall Accidents
Trip and fall accidents may happen in apartment buildings, stores, schools, streets, malls, restaurants, and sports stadiums. The owners and managers of such facilities have a duty of care to visitors to prevent these accidents. If a store product falls to the floor, the store management has a duty to pick up the product within a reasonable time after observing it. In the case of cracks in walkways, there is a duty to regularly inspect for such dangers and to initiate speedy repairs. Until the repair is made, the management needs to post warnings such as yellow tape or sawhorse barriers. Where owners and managers fail in their duties, they are liable for injuries that result.Trip and Fall Accident Attorney in Chicago
At Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd.. we provide aggressive advocacy to clients suffering from trip and fall accidents in the Chicago, Illinois area. Our purpose is to see that our clients get all compensation they need to recover and resume their lives. This compensation may include medical bills, hospital bills, loss of income, rehabilitation expenses and pain and suffering.We are a small but seasoned law firm with over 60 years of combined legal experience. We have won thousands of settlements for our clients worth millions of dollars. Our clients pay no costs or fees until a recovery is made. If you have been injured in a trip and fall accident, we urge you to contact us 24/7.Contact a Chicago Trip and Fall Accident Lawyer at the firm for zealous representation.
Product Liability
Chicago Product Liability Lawyer
Those who design, manufacture and sell products have a duty to the consumers to provide a safe product. A product that requires special or careful handling should have adequate labeling with warnings of the possible dangers to the users. Some companies manufacture products that cause injuries and place them into the hands of unsuspecting consumers. Consumer advocate groups may force the government agencies to take action and remove the products through recalls.More responsible product manufactures initiate their own recalls when one of their products causes an injury. Accident victims injured by defective or dangerous products may have grounds for legal action against the responsible parties. Individuals injured in a product liability accident should contact a Chicago personal injury attorney regarding legal advice and guidance about the actions to take following an accident to receive injury compensation. Steven J. Morton & Associates, Ltd. is experienced in all aspects of personal injuries and represents many clients with product liability cases.Injuries and Product LiabilityCommon injuries from product liability can include the following:- Broken or crushed bones, amputations
- Traumatic brain damage
- Spinal cord injuries, paralysis
- Burns, industry caused diseases
A product with a design flaw or error in manufacturing can cause accidents that injure people. Victims may be eligible for monetary compensation for loss of wages, medical costs, property damage, and pain and suffering. Some accidents are severe and cause fatalities. Family members that suffer a loss due to a product liability accident may pursue a wrongful death legal action.Our firm successfully represents victims and their families injured by a defective or dangerous product and pursue legal actions based on product liability issues. It is important to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney before accepting an offer from an insurance company. An injury may be worth more than a settlement amount. Make an appointment today for a consultation with one of our competent product liability attorneys.Contact a Product Liability Lawyer for legal assistance with a product liability case.
Defective / Dangerous Products
Defective and Dangerous Products Lawyer
Manufacturing industries have a duty of care to provide safe products for consumers, yet people are injured or killed every day due to the use of defective or dangerous products. The drug industry is a billion dollar industry that continues to offer unsafe medications to patients and often places profit ahead of consumer safety. Many accidents result from unsafe products placed on the market for users. Often covered in the media are incidents of accidents, injuries or deaths from faulty baby cribs, unsafe toys, and window blinds that cause child strangulations. There are countless accidents and injuries caused by defective or dangerous products. Injury victims from the use of defective or dangerous products should contact a Chicago personal injury lawyer regarding available compensation for injuries received from their usage. Steven J. Morton & Associates, Ltd. represents clients with all types of injuries caused by the use of defective or dangerous products. This includes cases of medical malpractice when a dangerous drug resulted in injury, illness or loss of life.Defective or Dangerous Products and InjuriesWhen a defective or dangerous product is exposed, most companies will withdraw their product immediately. Others companies might wait until consumer safety agencies force them to recall their product. A company that designs, manufactures, and sells unsafe products to consumers is in violation of the duty of care obligations. The responsible party or parties may be liable to the injured victim for compensation and may include medical costs, loss of earnings, and pain and suffering. A defective or dangerous product that results in a fatality may prompt surviving family members to sue for wrongful death. An additional damage in a wrongful death suit would include loss of companionship.Defective and dangerous products can cause accidents and common injuries are poisonings, birth injuries, burns, amputations, paralysis, internal organ damage, and many others. Insurance companies may try to downplay injuries while settling an injury case for as little as possible. Dealing with an insurance adjuster can be an intimidating and confusing experience. Our legal team represents victims of defective and dangerous products and protects their best interests and rights to receive the compensation they deserve. Before settling with an insurance company, speak with one our skilled and experienced personal injury attorneys. Make an appointment today for a consultation regarding injuries from defective or dangerous products.Contact a Defective or Dangerous Products Attorney regarding injuries resulting from defective or dangerous products.
Truck Accidents
Truck Accident Claims
Many truck drivers are hard working honest people with years of experience and superior driving skills who responsibly operate within the law. Like other hard working people they carry out their duties diligently despite pressure to cut corners. As in any other line of work there are some trucking companies and some drivers who are willing to gamble with the safety of others and put profits first. When drivers are forced to violate federal regulations or to drive trucks which have not been properly maintained and others are injured, it is time for a Chicago personal injury attorney to take action.Truck Accident Lawyer in Chicago
By federal regulation drivers of commercial trucks must meet certain requirements, have certain training and basic skills. They must be capable of inspecting a truck to ensure it is properly operational before taking it on the road. These operators must also ensure a truck is properly loaded otherwise it can go out of control. Trucking companies have a duty to ensure trucks are properly maintained, truck operators are qualified and comply with the applicable federal regulations.When the company, the truck operator or both violate any of the regulations in order to “increase profits” and an injury or fatal accident results, the trucking company’s insurance carrier swings into action to protect its profits and the trucking company by doing everything possible to prove the truck operator innocent of any liability. A skilled truck accident lawyer at our firm has the expertise to carry out an investigation into the trucking company, the operator, and the shipper to locate and preserve evidence crucial to proving your case.Our talented legal team calls upon many years of expertise to help a victim of a truck accident file a claim for all damages including future medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering and other expenses related to your accident. We work to give you the resources to rebuild your life. Call Steven J. Morton & Associates, LTD for a free consultation with a skilled personal injury lawyer.Contact a Chicago Truck Accident Attorney with our firm who is committed to protecting the future of those injured through negligence.
Wrongful Death
Has there been a Wrongful Death in Your Family?
When a person dies through the negligence of another, the family has a claim for damages in a wrongful death suit. These suits actually have two parts. There is the wrongful death action for the family to compensate for loss of comfort and support. This includes loss of companionship and financial support to the family, sexual relations to a spouse and guidance and training to minor children. There is also a survival action on behalf of the estate for the decedent. This is for the decedent’s property losses, medical expenses, pain and suffering and possibly punitive damages. A personal injury attorney in Chicago is ready to help you pursue your claim.Importance of Legal Representation
It is important to have experienced legal representation. As wrongful death law is complex, an experienced attorney is needed to build your case for liability and assure your claim includes all damages you are entitled to. It is also a sad fact that insurance companies send out adjusters to unrepresented families to offer paltry sums in settlement. Do not fall into this trap.Wrongful Death Lawyer in Chicago
We at Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd. are ready to assist with aggressive prosecution of wrongful death suits in the Chicago, Illinois area. Whether your family member has died in an auto accident, construction accident or in the operating room, we understand that you are grieving and may not want to deal with legal matters. We urge you though to make the effort because in time your family will need compensation for your loss. In order to prove negligence, we need to be on the ground investigating the accident to gather evidence and interview witnesses. We are available 24/7 to assist you.We are a seasoned and intimate law firm with over 60 years collective legal experience. We have settled thousands of cases worth millions to our clients. Our guiding principle is that we treat each client as if the client were our only one. We advance all costs of suit and you pay nothing until recovery. You are urged to contact us for help.Contact a Chicago Wrongful Death Attorney at the firm to discuss your wrongful death action.
Work Injuries & Compensation
Chicago Work Injury Attorney
When an injury at work results in the inability to function, or requires medical care, it is necessary to contact a Chicago personal injury lawyer from Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd. to sort out the situation and seek out all forms of compensation you may be due. In many cases, injured workers discover that it can be difficult to get the medical care and time needed to fully recover from a work injury, and the claims process can be difficult and frustrating. Although the employee is protected and can seek workers’ compensation benefits, they can soon discover that certain claims are denied, contested or other problems arise. It is important to the injured and their families that every aspect of the case is fully evaluated and the case presented with all possible damages fully identified and documented.Work Injury Lawyer in Chicago
Our legal team has the experience and proven trial experience that is frequently necessary when a claim is denied or disputed. It is advised that you contact us at once if injured on the job to assist in avoiding the complications that can arise when dealing with government programs. Failing to provide the necessary documentation can lead to losing certain potential benefits. Construction site accidents often result in very serious injuries and the victim and their families should have skilled legal counsel to address the matter of compensation.In other cases, the work injury was contributed to by a third party, such as an equipment manufacturer, a subcontractor or other party that could have liability. We will carefully evaluate your circumstances in order to determine how to access any possible compensation you could be due under law. We strongly advise that you contact us as soon as possible after the accident so that we can carefully manage every aspect of your case and help you to avoid problems in the future. We stand firm on behalf of our clients and will aggressively pursue all the compensation for damages that can be sought, based on the degree of injury and circumstances surrounding the case.
Construction Site Accidents
Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer
Construction sites are dangerous, even when the company involved carefully adheres to all the safety requirements demanded under law. Unexpected and terrible accidents occur in this industry every day, and the injured victims may never again have the quality of life they enjoyed prior to the accident. Cases of ladder falls, scaffolding accidents, falling objects, explosions, machinery accidents, electrocution and burn injuries can require extensive medical care, and in the most deadly cases, loss of life. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a construction site accident, it is vital that you contact a Chicago personal injury lawyer to address the legal matters surrounding the injuries and compensation.Construction Accident Attorney in ChicagoOur legal team at Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd. is committed to assisting the injured in seeking fair and full compensation in construction accident cases and other job injury claims. Although you are protected by workers’ compensation, it can be difficult to get the amount of compensation needed to fully address the injuries and the time to recover properly before returning to work. Some cases have such extreme injuries that the individual may never work again, or has lost their lives. No matter how serious the injury case, our legal team has the experience and commitment to our clients’ cases that is needed when seeking to resolve legal matters regarding compensation.In many construction site cases, there is a third party who may be fully or partially responsible for the injury. This could include a subcontractor, scaffolding company, equipment or machinery provider or other commercial enterprise who failed to ensure that the construction worker was safe while using their equipment or structures. We carefully evaluate all construction site accident cases to seek out any possible third party so that we can file a claim seeking compensation beyond what you will receive through workers’ compensation. We advise that you contact us as quickly as possible to ensure that all evidence and other supporting documentation can be obtained before changes are made in the safety systems and procedures in the company.Contact a Chicago Construction Accident Lawyer from our firm at once if you have suffered an injury accident while at work.Scaffolding Accidents
Injured in a Scaffolding Accident
Approximately 10,000 persons are injured annually in the United States from scaffolding accidents. Usually these accidents are due to planking or supports giving way or the employee slipping or being hit by a falling object. Plank slippage is the most common reason. Operators have a duty of care in the construction and maintenance of scaffolding and neglect of that duty exposes them to liability for damages. If you have been injured in a scaffolding accident, you are urged to contact a Chicago personal injury attorney to seek compensation in construction site accident cases.Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations
OSHA establishes the standard that contractors erecting and maintaining scaffolding must follow. Among these requirements are the following:- Scaffolding must be able to withstand a stress of at least four times the maximum intended load. (1910.28(a)(4).
- Anchorage of scaffolds must be sound, rigid and capable of carrying the maximum load without settling or displacement (1910.28 (a)(2).
- Scaffold planks must extend over end supports at least 6 inches but not more than 18 inches. 1910.28 (a)(13)
- Scaffolds shall be maintained in a safe condition and not moved or altered while in use. 1910.28 (a)(5).
- Damaged scaffolding must be immediately repaired and not used until repaired. 1910.28 (a)(6).
Chicago Scaffolding Accidents Attorney
At Steven J. Morton & Associates Ltd. we provide aggressive representation to clients injured in scaffolding accidents. We are a small, seasoned law firm with over 60 years combined experience. We have won thousands of settlements for clients worth millions of dollars for our clients. We are militant in our defense of workers injured by negligent construction and maintenance of scaffolding and failure to observe OSHA regulations for worker safety. If you have been injured on scaffolding, we urge you to discuss your case with an attorney at the firm. We offer a free consultation and charge no fees or costs to clients until recovery is obtained.Contact a Scaffolding Accidents Lawyer in Chicago at the firm for vigorous representation of your claim for damages.
At Steven J Morton & Associates, LTD, our attorneys help clients with many types of accidents.
Our practice areas include the following:
- Car accidents
- Medical malpractice
- Motorcycle accidents
- Personal injury
- Premises Liability
- Semi-truck accidents
- Slip and fall accidents
- Workers’ compensation
- Wrongful death

What To Do After an Accident Injury in Illinois
1. Call 911 (or report your injury to the property owner in the case of premises liability). It’s important to get an accident report from the police to prove your case.
2. Get immediate medical attention. If you’re injured, you should see a medical professional right away. Missing doctor appointments can hurt your case and your recovery, so make sure you complete the doctor’s recommended treatment.
3. Collect as much evidence as possible. Take pictures of your injuries and the scene of the accident. Keep all of your receipts for expenses related to the accident. Get the contact information of any eyewitnesses.
4. Contact an attorney right away. The insurance company will likely try to call and ask for a recorded statement. Don’t speak to them until you have talked to a lawyer so you will understand your rights.
Filing a personal injury claim doesn’t have to be complicated. Get the help of an experienced attorney at Steven J Morton & Associates, LTD, for the legal representation you deserve. Give us a call to schedule a consultation or get answers to your questions at (312) 372-4448.